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Grml 2024.12 GNU/Linux distribution is now available for download based on Debian Testing and powered by Linux kernel 6.11. Here's what's new!
The post Debian-Based Grml 2024.12 Linux Distro Is Out with Support for 64-Bit ARM CPUs appeared first on 9to5Linux - do not reproduce this article without permission. This RSS feed is intended for readers, not scrapers.
DXVK 2.5.2 Vulkan-based implementation of D3D9, D3D10, and D3D11 for Linux / Wine is now available for download with improvements for several games.
The post DXVK 2.5.2 Improves Support for Alpha Protocol, Borderlands 2, and Other Games appeared first on 9to5Linux - do not reproduce this article without permission. This RSS feed is intended for readers, not scrapers.
IPFire 2.29 Core Update 190 open-source hardened Linux firewall is now available for download with support for post-quantum cryptography and other changes. Here's what's new!
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LibreOffice 24.8.4 is now available for download as the second maintenance update in the LibreOffice 24.8 series with 55 bug fixes. All LibreOffice 24.8 office suite users must update to this version as soon as possible.
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System76 refreshed their AMD-powered Pangolin Linux laptop with a 2K display, AMD Ryzen 8945HS CPU, up to 96GB DDR5 RAM, and up to 16TB SSD storage.
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